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I rolled onto The Last of Us Part I shortly after finishing Part II. During its development on PS5 I was the only member of the UI team at the studio for 90% of the games production.
Official Launch Trailer
I was point of contact in planning and implementation of all the UI, refactoring to fit Part II's HUD and menus into Part I's game design. Part of this was also the task of as translating the UI from PS4 to PS5.
In addition to the retrofitting above, I developed new screens and modes for the game such as: Skin Viewer, Speedrun Mode, Director commentary, expanded Photo Mode, and podcast player. Speedrun mode was a personal favorite as I setup the UI and initial implementation of tracking + recording runs.
Ingame Menus
After the PS5 version was done I rolled immediately onto PC. Prior to this Naughty Dog did not have any technology for PC titles so we had to develop the technology.
Official Launch Trailer
I was again in charge of planning and implementing the UI for PC, as well as the various controllers we natively support. Along with the UI I took on the task of setting up out default control bindings. This was all done on an expedited schedule.
I am most proud of the expansive options menu and settings we were able to offer on PC, especially when to comes to UI. Various button prompts for different controllers, color modes, control modifiers, displays for VRAM, etc.
Menus PC
Gaze Photomode
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